Should not Nibe be smart enough to see that the water is warm enough and does not actually do anything. Just wondering if there actually are any gains with a schedule.
Now Im testing:
Comfort mode: Economy and
Schedule 1: Turning off the hot water all days during 23-05
Schedule 2: Turning off the hot water during the week days between 10-15
Any tips?
The time schedule sounds reasonable. Off during night, hot water production between 5-10 and 15-23 during weekdays and 5-23 on the weekend.
You might also use a higher mode than Economy, as this heats the water rather slowly (35 or 65 Hz depending on performance mode - see my answer in the locked F730 optimization thread). The water temperature ranges might also be adapted a bit.
I have for example mode "normal", with a "luxury" boost 12.30-13.15 (to have uninterrupted heating for the remaining time) and switched off hot water from 22-10 (depends on usage patterns too). But the water isn't too cold in the morning (see plot - sorry, forgot the y axis, which goes from 30-65 °C with the curve mostly between 40-60).