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Författare Ämne: Thermia Diplomat 2004  (läst 1373 gånger)

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Utloggad KeesB

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Thermia Diplomat 2004
« skrivet: 13 maj 2022, 06:52:05 »
I have Thermia Diplomat from 2004.

I have been reading the topics here, changed and updated entrance values, looked at graphs but without any luck.

Roomtemperature on the main display have is 10 C , the bathrooms with stonefloors are 24.3 C the rest of the house with wooden floors is 20,5 C. What can be wrong?   dontknow

The house is 300sqm 3floors (100sqm each) , 200m above sea level. Outside temperatures are 8-17C

Du kan sværet meg på norsk, svensk, dansk også.. googler meg sikkert frem til translate.

« Senast ändrad: 13 maj 2022, 06:59:12 av KeesB »

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SV: Thermia Diplomat 2004
« Svar #1 skrivet: 13 maj 2022, 08:00:36 »
Ser ut som din växelventil hängt sig, den gör ju varmvatten på bilderna i alla fall.
Thermia Diplomat Inverter M

Utloggad KeesB

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SV: Thermia Diplomat 2004
« Svar #2 skrivet: 14 maj 2022, 13:26:01 »
Is it possible to clean or reset a valve like this by myself?


Utloggad Carl N

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SV: Thermia Diplomat 2004
« Svar #3 skrivet: 15 maj 2022, 16:45:17 »
The 3 way valve is located in the top behind the display.
So you need to remove the upper panel as well.
You can remove the motor for the 3-way valve, it us usually bayonet mounted with som kind of locking.
Under the motor, there is a rod that you can try to press down, it should return back with a spring.

If it doesning move easy after some motion you have to exhange the inside part of this valve, there is spare parts that you can change yourself.
« Senast ändrad: 15 maj 2022, 16:47:09 av Carl N »
Huset: NIBE 1215-5, 120 m aktivt borrdjup, 127 m2 boyta 53 m2 biyta, suterräng byggt 1970. Tidigare 2,5 kbm olja/år, huset tilläggsisolerat i samband med VP-installationen. FST34+1 som frikyla.
Ca 5500 kWh i drivenergi för VP-drift, ca 5500 kWh HH-el + komfortgolvvärme i snitt/år.
Fritidshuset, NIBE 1245-8, 160 m aktivt borrdjup, ca 150 m2 boarea + en liten källare från 1912.

Utloggad KeesB

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SV: Thermia Diplomat 2004
« Svar #4 skrivet: 21 maj 2022, 08:38:38 »
Takk for alle hjelp :)

I found that one and had it open. It was standing half open.The plastic bracket was halfway. Now you see it is max.

It is possible push it in and out.

I closed some warm circuits yesterday, but now other circuits startet to live. 10C degrees on the display.. 27 inhouse. Valve in the position as on the picture.

Can it be somehting else or do you suggest I should replace the whole valve.How can I test the valve I wonder?


Utloggad Carl N

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SV: Thermia Diplomat 2004
« Svar #5 skrivet: 22 maj 2022, 07:48:39 »
Remove this motor on the picture, there is a locking against the metal valve and then you can turn the motor and remove it.
Under this are a small rod where you can try to manually move the valve by pressing it down, it shound return up quick by a spring.

« Senast ändrad: 22 maj 2022, 07:55:26 av Carl N »
Huset: NIBE 1215-5, 120 m aktivt borrdjup, 127 m2 boyta 53 m2 biyta, suterräng byggt 1970. Tidigare 2,5 kbm olja/år, huset tilläggsisolerat i samband med VP-installationen. FST34+1 som frikyla.
Ca 5500 kWh i drivenergi för VP-drift, ca 5500 kWh HH-el + komfortgolvvärme i snitt/år.
Fritidshuset, NIBE 1245-8, 160 m aktivt borrdjup, ca 150 m2 boarea + en liten källare från 1912.

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