thank you for the response. I have set this menu option back to 5.
What I am struggling to understand (because there are no room sensors) how do i change the target indoor temperature, as the room temperature seems to idle at around 20-21 degrees which is a little cold for everyone's liking.
Target temperature is trial and error on almost all heat pump systems. If you add room temperature sensor, it will just make a small compensation, like wind, sun or how many people is inside. It will not make what most users think - set the temperature and call it a day. Without correct heating curve the room temperature will be a mess anyway.
Constructional reasons makes it hard for heat pump systems to follow a set point.
Your system supports room temperature sensor. It was included with your heat pump, but is not necessary and therefore rare installed by lacy contractors. If temperature drifts away while it gets colder, then adjust curve. In your case, try adjustment 1 och 2 steps and see if it makes everyone happy.
There is an interpolation between curve and adjustment. That is why it is important to make the choice based on what happened last time with outdoor temperature.
In my case: This morning I had 7 degrees outside and 20.3 degrees inside. Now it is 15 degrees outside at 19:00 and the indoor temperature is 20.7. If my goal is 20.0, it means my adjustment should be decreased.
(My insulation has changed this year, so my settings is now wrong).