We recently moved into a house with a Fighter 360P and over the weekend we received a HP larm. From reading on this forum it sounds like the cause could be a number of things. So far we have checked the franlufts filter, the house is maintaining a comfortable 21 degrees, the compressor was functioning after resetting the alarm the first time and as of last night. The alarm is coming in combination with the VV-Givare showing 70+ degrees. The xvv is set to shutoff at 60 degrees and our curve is set at 8 (well insulated house built 2008 in Västra Götaland), -2 förskutning. Edit: I came home tonight and tested both safety valves (47 and 52) and released air from the system according to the "Påfyllning av vattenvärmare
och värmesystemet" instructions. I also reset the alarm and it has been on for 2 hrs without an alarm (after resetting it the first time last Friday it worked until Monday morning without tripping).
I know the pump is 12 years old (original to the house) so it could be about that time... but I want to investigate all possibilities.
What could be causing the VV spike in temperature and could that be the cause of the HP Larm?