Det jag kunde hitta i den officiella tråden om Energicentrapumpen och felkoder är:
1) Indoorunit
Indoor unit Error Code Display:
Error Code Errors
E1 wired operation panel failure
E2 communication failure on wired operation panel
E3 Indoor room temperature sensor failure
F8 water pump flow switch failure
F9 water temperature sensor
Fa pressure sensor failure
Fb disabled
Fc communication failure between indoor unit and outdoor unit
Outdoor unit error code display:
Error Code errors
F1 outdoor ambient temp. .sensor failure
F2 Outdoor coil temp sensor failure
F3 compressor gas discharge temp. sensor failure
F4 compressor overheat protection
F5 Outdoor EMPROM failure
F6 Inverter failure
F7 outdoor power circuit failure
If the unit is turned on for heating operation, the unit does not give heat, and there is no error code in the indoor unit display. Every 3 minutes, the compressor speed pilot Iights in the indoor display (the two ~g hts in the middie) is ON and OFF continuously and repeatedly, then the causes can be: 1 Defective indoor temperature sensor: In heating operation, the compressor speed pilot Iights in the indoor display (the two lights in the middie) is ON and OFF continuously and repeated.