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Författare Ämne: Fujitsu AWYZ 14LB good choice?  (läst 4204 gånger)

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Fujitsu AWYZ 14LB good choice?
« skrivet: 03 september 2012, 16:18:13 »
Hello again!
  The winter is comeing again so I have to decide about a heat pump. I have found a good offer for the Fujitsu AWYZ14LB. Do you consider is a good choise to put in a room with 14sqm and almost all the time let the door from that room opend to let the heat go in a lobby entrance about 12sqm but having a connection with the floor lobby, so the heat goes up. It will be effcient? Thanks! The  worst temperature is about -15 degrees.

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SV: Fujitsu AWYZ 14LB good choice?
« Svar #1 skrivet: 03 september 2012, 21:42:33 »
Fulitsu AWYZ 14LB is an old construction and I would like to recommend you to take a look at Mitsubishi Electric FD35VABH instead. Comparable or better output with higher COP than the Fujitsu. There is also an issue with the ability to control flow out of the indoor unit of the Fujitsu, it can only direct air flow almost vertically, which is not a postive thing when trying to maximize the heat distribution in a house to prevent radiators starting far away from the indoor unit.

Best Regards/Gano
2 luft/luftvärmepumpar, Daikin N35 Siesta (-17) och Hitachi RAK25 (-04). Kör aldrig elvärme, har monterat ner 7 radiatorer. 8 kvm Lesol 3 AR Lazerplate solfångare värmer varmvatten (-05). 125 kvm direktelshus från 1979, tilläggsisolerat och fönster med argon/lågenergiglas. F-ventilation. 3 som bor hemma, 1 tonåring. Småförbrukare, ca 9500 kWh/år. Braskamin installerad 2010. Körde ett stenhårt sparrace för några år sedan, är för bekväm numera.

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SV: Fujitsu AWYZ 14LB good choice?
« Svar #2 skrivet: 04 september 2012, 08:04:56 »
Thanks for the answer. I was thinking that is an older modell but also interested because had a good power  at output and for this reason I am thinking to choose it. However, sure that has not so many features as new modells.Hard decision, considering the performance and the budget that I have available. What about some Daikin modells?

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SV: Fujitsu AWYZ 14LB good choice?
« Svar #3 skrivet: 05 september 2012, 13:57:25 »
Like Gano said, the Nocria is old. But from what I've seen people that have it seems to be happy with it.

The Nocria model tend to use much power when its really cold outside making it behave more like a radiator. Meaning that the COP value is very low.
I've read that the high power mode is really impressive tho'.

Personally I chose the Fujitsu LEC-N 12 because it had newer technology and better  COP value.
Panasonic CU-6501 AVT (CU-E12EKEB)
Fujitsu LEC-N 12

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SV: Fujitsu AWYZ 14LB good choice?
« Svar #4 skrivet: 05 september 2012, 21:14:23 »
Like Gano said, the Nocria is old. But from what I've seen people that have it seems to be happy with it.

The Nocria model tend to use much power when its really cold outside making it behave more like a radiator. Meaning that the COP value is very low.
I've read that the high power mode is really impressive tho'.

Personally I chose the Fujitsu LEC-N 12 because it had newer technology and better  COP value.
A COP of 4,44 is not low at all considering this machine has a maximum effect of 9,1 kW
There are figures of this machine delivering over 5,4 kW when -15 degrees Celsius outside.
Hus i Gbg, byggt 1974. Boyta 133 kvm+Biyta 133 kvm, tot uppvärmd yta=266 kvm till 22gr. Enplans med källare. 2 st Daikin Ururu Sarara á 9,4kW. Vadå bergvärme?? Vattenburna radiatorer kopplade till NIBE EWC13 elkassett som ev backup samt separat Metro 300l VVB. Gasolkamin 4kW som ev backup
Scanspis 9 kW - används som mysbrasa och ev backup .

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SV: Fujitsu AWYZ 14LB good choice?
« Svar #5 skrivet: 05 september 2012, 21:37:29 »
I am not with experience in heat pumps, but as Gamblern, I am not considering a low COP for this unit. But as Shelter said, my fear is that this product is a little too old and I am not sure how is working exactly as energy consumption at -15 degrees. However the price is that one that inspires me to take it now, and the performance that it has on paper

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SV: Fujitsu AWYZ 14LB good choice?
« Svar #6 skrivet: 06 september 2012, 08:59:15 »
Being without experience, it is very interesting for me to see that a 14000BTU heat pump, as Nocria has 9,1KW and others with  18000BTU has less power. What do I have to choose: BTU, power output or COP higher?

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SV: Fujitsu AWYZ 14LB good choice?
« Svar #7 skrivet: 06 september 2012, 10:24:12 »
What do I have to choose: BTU, power output or COP higher?

Power output at low outdoor temperatures - That's what gonna keep you warm. Not good theoretical COP or highest maximum output at +7 °C.
Bor i pastorsvillan tillhörande ett gammalt missionshus
Villan: Timmerhus byggt 1878. 1.5  plan, bya 100 / boa 160 kvadrat, 2-glasfönster, självdragsventilation. Vattenburen värme med elpanna + braskamin och luftvärmepump. Förbrukning ca 25MWh + en mindre mängd ved.
Kyrkan: Timmerstomme, bya 300 / boa 490 kvadrat, 78 kvadrat 1-glasfönster med innerbågar... Byggt 1876. Direktverkande el på 45kW. Ca 75 kvadratmeter är färdigrenoverat och uppvärmt med temporär elpanna. Förbrukning ca 15MWh

Ju mer man vet desto mindre förstår man.

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SV: Fujitsu AWYZ 14LB good choice?
« Svar #8 skrivet: 06 september 2012, 10:34:24 »
Power output at low outdoor temperatures - That's what gonna keep you warm. Not good theoretical COP or highest maximum output at +7 °C.
Thanks Purjo! I will after this. And from this point of view having 5,4 KW  from 9,1KW , I assume is a good thing for AWYZ14LB!

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