Någon som vet hur man aktiverar återstartsfunktionen vid elavbrott.
Lamporna på innerdelen blinkar. Måste starta om mitt "skötebarn" manuellt. Skall fungera automatiskt enl. bruksanv.
Blinkar alla lampor? Det gör dem om vingarna har hamnat i fel läge, men då måste du ju ha rört dem.
Auto restart kan bara stängas av genom att bygla JR07 på innedelens kretskort enl. den servicemanual jag har. Men det låter skumt om man har avaktiverat Auto restart.
When the indoor unit is controlled with the remote controller, the operation mode, the set temperature, and the fan speed are memorized by the indoor electronic control P.C. board. “AUTO RESTART FUNCTION” automatically starts operation in the same mode just before the shutoff of the main power.
1) If the main power has been cut, the operation settings remain.
2) After the power is restored, the unit restarts automatically according to the memory. (However, it takes at least 3 minutes for the compressor to start running.)
1) Turn OFF the main power for the unit.
2) Solder the Jumper wire to JR07 on the indoor electronic control
P.C. board. (Refer to 10-7.)
NOTE:• The operation settings are memorized when 10 seconds have passed after the indoor unit was operated with the remote
• If main power is turned OFF or a power failure occurs while AUTO START/STOP timer is active, the timer setting is cancelled.
• If the unit has been OFF with the remote controller before power failure, the auto restart function does not work as the
power button of the remote controller is OFF.
Har du testat att trycka på E.O.-knappen (emergency operation) till höger under luckan? Jag vet inte om det hjälper men det kan vara värt att testa.