Glossary of Noises
1. BOOM: Low, resonant sound, like a drum roll or distant thunder.
2. BUZZ: Low-pitched sound, something like a bee; usually associated with
3. CHATTER: Rapidly repeating metallic sound, like teeth chattering.
4. CHUCKLE: High-pitched, melodious sound that repeats rapidly, like a
5. CLANG: Heavy sound of metal-to-metal, like a gong.
6. CLICK: Light sound, like a ballpoint pen being clicked.
7. GRIND: Abrasive sound, like a grinding wheel or sandpaper rubbing
against wood.
8. GROAN: Continuous, low-pitched sound, like a person groaning.
9. GROWL: Low, gutteral sound like an angry dog.
10. HISS: Continuous sound, like air escaping from a balloon.
11. HUM: Continuous sound at varying pitches, like a wire humming in the
12. KNOCK: Heavy, loud, repeating sound, like a knock at a door.
13. PING: Similar to knock, but at a higher pitch.
14. RATTLE: A sound suggesting looseness, such as marbles rolling around
in a can.
15. ROAR: Deep, prolonged sound, like a lion’s roar.
16. RUMBLE: Low, heavy, continuous sound, like thunder or wagons.
17. SQUEAK: High-pitched sound, like rubbing a clean window.
18. SQUEAL: High-pitched sound, like a tire on pavement.
19. TAP: Light, hammering sound, like tapping a pencil on a table.
20. WHIR: High-pitched, buzzing sound, like an electric drill or motor.
21. WHISTLE: Sharp, shrill sound, like a tin whistle.