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Författare Ämne: Rohs - Hur påverkar det L/L branschen?  (läst 6161 gånger)

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Rohs - Hur påverkar det L/L branschen?
« skrivet: 25 februari 2006, 22:31:14 »
Undrar hur väl förberedd L/L branschen är på Rohs direktivet som gäller från 1 juni i år?

För visst borde väl även värmepumpar tillhöra kategorin som avses?

Är Europa en tillräckligt stor marknad för att lägga ner arbetet som krävs.

Kan vara intressant att veta



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SV: Rohs - Hur påverkar det L/L branschen?
« Svar #1 skrivet: 26 februari 2006, 00:34:35 »
Ganska intresant att veta vad Rohs direktivet ä förnåt med  ;)

Utloggad kgust

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SV: Rohs - Hur påverkar det L/L branschen?
« Svar #2 skrivet: 26 februari 2006, 10:40:41 »
Hej Mansan

Ville inte skriva det direkt - skulle vara intressant att se vad t.ex. de som "av miljöskäl" förespråkar ackreditering för köldmedium vet om detta, då detta verkligen är ett "miljö-direktiv".

"Direktiv 2002/95/EG - RoHS och 2002/96/EG - WEEE

Genom direktiv 2002/95/EG (RoHS) förbjuds användningen av kvicksilver, kadmium, bly, sexvärt krom och flamskyddsmedlen PBB och PBDE i nya elektriska och elektroniska produkter som släpps ut på marknaden från och med 1 juli 2006"

Det som kan påverkas på vp är kretskort; skruvar motorer; plaster ?

I min vp finns det bl.a. "gula skruvar", vilket troligen är gulkromat = sexvärt krom.

Detta kanske branschen har hanterat, men man kan ju undra hur parallell-importörer hanterar detta? Importerar man maskiner från land utanför Eu, så kanske de inte uppfyller detta direktiv. Sc:,h

mvh Kgust

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SV: Rohs - Hur påverkar det L/L branschen?
« Svar #3 skrivet: 28 februari 2006, 14:23:36 »
Gulkromatering innehåller inget sexvärt krom.
135m2 byggt 1987 i Vänersborg. Toshiba RAS-10 som huvudsaklig uppvärmning. Bosch Minimaster luftvärmesystem kopplas in vid behov.
Total elförbrukning 2005: 13200kWh, 2006: 13600kWh.

Utloggad Mike

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SV: Rohs - Hur påverkar det L/L branschen?
« Svar #4 skrivet: 01 mars 2006, 18:24:11 »
Det kommer vara många som står med ett lager de inte FÅR sälja enligt lagen 1 Juli i år.
Samtliga produkter i de 8 kategorierna som omfattas av ROHS kommer att vara förbjudna att säljas om de inte uppfyller reglerna.

1. Large household appliances
Large cooling appliances
Other large appliances used for refrigeration, conservation and storage of food
Washing machines
Clothes dryers
Dish washing machines
Electric stoves
Electric hot plates
Other large appliances used for cooking and other processing of food
Electric heating appliances
Electric radiators
Other large appliances for heating rooms, beds, seating furniture
Electric fans
Air conditioner appliances
Other fanning, exhaust ventilation and conditioning equipment
2. Small household appliances
Vacuum cleaners
Carpet sweepers
Other appliances for cleaning
Appliances used for sewing, knitting, weaving and other processing for textiles
Irons and other appliances for ironing, mangling and other care of clothing
Grinders, coffee machines and equipment for opening or sealing containers or packages
Electric knives
Appliances for hair-cutting, hair drying, tooth brushing, shaving, massage and other body care appliances
Clocks, watches and equipment for the purpose of measuring, indicating or registering time
3. IT and telecommunications equipment
Centralised data processing:
Printer units
Personal computing:
Personal computers (CPU, mouse, screen and keyboard included)
Laptop computers (CPU, mouse, screen and keyboard included)
Notebook computers
Notepad computers
Copying equipment
Electrical and electronic typewriters
Pocket and desk calculators
and other products and equipment for the collection, storage, processing, presentation or communication of infor-
mation by electronic means
User terminals and systems
Pay telephones
Cordless telephones
Cellular telephones
Answering systems
and other products or equipment of transmitting sound, images or other information by telecommunications
Consumer equipment
Radio sets
Television sets
Video recorders
Hi-fi recorders
Audio amplifiers
Musical instruments
And other products or equipment for the purpose of recording or reproducing sound or images, including signals
or other technologies for the distribution of sound and image than by telecommunications
Lighting equipment
Luminaires for fluorescent lamps with the exception of luminaires in households
Straight fluorescent lamps
Compact fluorescent lamps
High intensity discharge lamps, including pressure sodium lamps and metal halide lamps
Low pressure sodium lamps
Other lighting or equipment for the purpose of spreading or controlling light with the exception of filament bulbs
Electrical and electronic tools (with the exception of large-scale stationary industrial tools)
Sewing machines
Equipment for turning, milling, sanding, grinding, sawing, cutting, shearing, drilling, making holes, punching,
folding, bending or similar processing of wood, metal and other materials
Tools for riveting, nailing or screwing or removing rivets, nails, screws or similar uses
Tools for welding, soldering or similar use
Equipment for spraying, spreading, dispersing or other treatment of liquid or gaseous substances by other means
Tools for mowing or other gardening activities
7. Toys, leisure and sports equipment
Electric trains or car racing sets
Hand-held video game consoles
Video games
Computers for biking, diving, running, rowing, etc.
Sports equipment with electric or electronic components
Coin slot machines
10. Automatic dispensers
Automatic dispensers for hot drinks
Automatic dispensers for hot or cold bottles or cans
Automatic dispensers for solid products
Automatic dispensers for money
All appliances which deliver automatically all kind of products

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SV: Rohs - Hur påverkar det L/L branschen?
« Svar #5 skrivet: 01 mars 2006, 18:26:53 »
Och här är vad det innebär:
The ROHS directive is complementary to the WEEE directive and applies to the same categories of products defined by the WEEE directive, with the exception of Category 8 medical devices and Category 9 monitoring and control equipment. From July 2006, the following substances will effectively be banned from use in new electrical and electronic equipment :

Hexavalent chromium; and
Polybrominated biphenyls (PBB) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE), which are used as flame retardants in plastics.
Trace elements of these substances will be allowed, up to a maximum concentration in any individual homogenous material of 0.01% by weight for cadmium, and 0.1% by weight for the other substances. The definition of homogeneous materials has caused some confusion in the past, but has been clarified in an EC decision document published on 18 August. A homogeneous material is a single substance such as a plastic, for example the PVC insulation on insulated copper wire. Components such as capacitors, transistors and semiconductor packages are not “materials” but will contain several different materials. For example, a semiconductor package will contain at least six as shown below.

Six individual homogenous materials in a semiconductor package. Figure 1.

By placing their products on the market, producers are declaring that these comply with RoHS legislation. This is the basis for “self-declaration” which is used for several other EC directives. There are no requirements for the application of a specific mark or testing by independent third parties. However, the authorities within each Member State will carry out market surveillance and conduct checks on products. If they find that a product does not comply with RoHS legislation, the producer will be asked to show that due diligence has been used and he has taken “reasonable steps” to comply. This legal defence is used for other legislation, but what constitutes “reasonable steps” has not been defined.

To demonstrate compliance, producers will have to undertake extensive and time consuming surveys of their suppliers of components and sub-assemblies. In turn, first tier suppliers will require materials information from their suppliers, and so on down the supply chain. Some component manufacturers produce materials declarations for ranges of products, for example one declaration for all types of Quad Flat Pack (QFP) packages. This is reasonable because all of these components would be manufactured from the same materials and so a declaration for one part number would be identical to one for another part in the same range.

Utloggad kgust

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  • Jag älskar värmepumpar!
SV: Rohs - Hur påverkar det L/L branschen?
« Svar #6 skrivet: 04 mars 2006, 14:34:16 »
Gulkromatering innehåller inget sexvärt krom.

Har väl en lucka i kunskapsbanken Sc:,h

Trodde följande:

Kromat = sexvärt krom Cr6
Passivering = trevärt krom Cr3

Vill veta lite mer, kan du förklara Falcor?

tack på förhand/ Kgust

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