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Soundlevels are very different from person to person but if I look a little on my own heatpump, it has a noise level of about 65dBa 30cm from the wall and because it is an ON / OFF machine, it always goes 100% when it goes (It is either max sound or silent).Note then that these machines are on the outside and if you look at what A window reduces in DBA it will be with double glazing, a reduction of about 35dba and triple glazed windows reduce around 42dBa.I took up the noise reduction on the window because it is the window that lets most sound to pass on the entire facade.Consider then that a bumblebee buzzes with 50-60dBa, the library is often 40dBa, a refrigerator with 40dBa considered quiet.Drizzle measured with my phone 42dBa, A passing car (CA15 meters distance) measured with the phone 62dBa (go to the AppStore or AndroidMarket and download a decibel meter) may not be 100% accurate, but can give a good indication´. So you have double glazing and a heat pump that produces 65 dBA on the outside then you have approximately 30 dBA indoors which is lower noise level than at the library (almost on par with a rustling forest)Not so high