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Skrivet av: Floris
« skrivet: 27 mars 2024, 09:29:02 »

I understand. I don't think I want to take the risk of turning off periodic increase in the heat pump itself and rely on an external schedule.

Thanks Carl! You have been very helpful.
Skrivet av: Carl N
« skrivet: 26 mars 2024, 11:11:46 »

Thanks, but I don't think I understand.
I can increase the luxury stop temperature from 54 °C (current setting) to 58 °C (the value for periodic increase), and start it by setting the system to luxury. But will that stop the system from periodically increasing the temperature by the schedule anyway?

No, you have to turn of the periodically increase of temperature if you use the luxury temp for this.
Skrivet av: Floris
« skrivet: 25 mars 2024, 20:09:53 »

1. You can use a excternal signal for this.
Use the function "activate temp lux" and set the temp in 5.1.1 to the luxury temp for periodic increase.
Thanks, but I don't think I understand.
I can increase the luxury stop temperature from 54 °C (current setting) to 58 °C (the value for periodic increase), and start it by setting the system to luxury. But will that stop the system from periodically increasing the temperature by the schedule anyway?
Skrivet av: Carl N
« skrivet: 25 mars 2024, 12:59:14 »

1. You can use a excternal signal for this.
Use the function "activate temp lux" and set the temp in 5.1.1 to the luxury temp for periodic increase.
Side 28

If you change the settings, I think it starts from there.

3. The diff should be around 3 deg, thats the reason...
Skrivet av: Floris
« skrivet: 25 mars 2024, 08:09:05 »

I see. The solar production differs from day to day, of course. Do you perhaps know if my observation is correct that when you change the frequency, it starts heating right away? As if there is no memory of when the last time was?
If not, it would be able to change the schedule externally, whenever there is solar power available.

2. It's like this when it is not in summer mode, only in summer mode supply pump is off.

3. I'm not sure, what is the temp diff on the cold side when this happens?
About 3 degrees Celsius.
Skrivet av: Carl N
« skrivet: 24 mars 2024, 19:47:20 »

1. I don't think so, but you can schedule it to a special time on the day. If you select at 1200 it should be when solar power usually is avaialble.
2. It's like this when it is not in summer mode, only in summer mode supply pump is off.
3. I'm not sure, what is the temp diff on the cold side when this happens?
Skrivet av: Floris
« skrivet: 24 mars 2024, 13:13:08 »


Sorry for posting in English.

We have a Nibe F1255-6PC, connected via Modbus to Home Assistant. I use the SG ready functionality when solar power is available and the holiday functionality to save energy when we are away for more than a day.

Question 1
Is it possible to do the 'periodic increase' of the temperature of the tap water (against legionnaires' disease and other unwanted growth) when solar power is available? I understand te heat pump will not wait longer than the selected period, but doing it sooner when solar power is available would be nice.

Question 2
Sometimes the supply pump is running, while the compressor and brine pump are off. What is happening at that time?

Question 3
Sometimes the brine pump runs at 1%. Why is that?



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